Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) abuse Muslim Kalimah

I bear witness that there is no deity other than Allah(SWT)
and that Muhammad(SAW) is his servant and Messenger.

These are the words (Kalimah) by which one declares his/her intention to become a Muslim.  A person, who understands and repeats this phrase in sincerity and devotion, lives and acts in accordance to its meaning and fulfills its requirement, belongs to the Muslim Ummah. [Read: The Significance of Shahada (Kalimah)]

Qadiani Ahmadi) leaders and missionaries, quite astutely, claim that since they also utter the same words (Kalimah), they should be considered Muslims!  Is this something we should be concerned about or is it simply another attempt on their part to mislead the uninformed?

In the holy Quran, we are told:


O you who believe! When you go abroad in the cause of Allah, investigate carefully, and say not to any one who offers you a salutation: “Thou art none of a believer!” Coveting the perishable goods of this life: with Allah are profits and spoils abundant. Even thus were you yourselves before, till Allah conferred on you His favours: Therefore carefully investigate. For Allah is well aware of all that you do.
(The Holy Quran, An-Nisa, 4:94)

Indeed, we are required to accept anyone’s claim to be a Muslim, unless his own actions and statements prove that he is not a Muslim.  Obviously, declaring someone or the followers of an entire doctrine Kafir should be taken very seriously.  In fact, admonishing those who have astrayed far from the teachings of Islam is a serious task entrusted to our learned scholars.

Intuitively, then, it is very significant that all Muslim denominations, organizations, scholars and nations have unanimously declared the Qadiani Ahmadi) movement outside the fold of Islam. Obviously, all these learned Muslims have done an extensive research and would not have declared Qadianism Ahmadiyyat) Kofr, if there was any doubt about its nature.

Yet, is the mere utterance of the Kalimah or the practice of the rituals of Islam enough to keep someone a Muslim, regardless of the deeds and beliefs of that person?  Absolutely not.  Our beloved Prophet(SAW), the most knowledgeable person regarding Islam, dealt with Kharijites (Khawarij) as unbelievers, once they purposely and persistently refuted some of the Sharia (laws) of Islam. Their perpetual observance of religious services and their persistent pronouncement of the Kalimah did not benefit them at all.

In another case, when an individual by the name of Musaylma  (now known as Musaylma the Liar by Muslims) declared himself to be a non-law bearing co-prophet of Muhammad(SAW), the Prophet(SAW) ordered him to stop spreading lies. However, after the death of the Prophet(SAW), Musaylma managed to lead astray thousands of people of Banu Haneef tribe, who lived at a great distance from learned companions. All members of the Banu Haneef had declared Shahadah and were practicing the rituals of Islam, otherwise they were ignorant about the doctrines of Islam. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique(RA), supported by all learned companions of the Prophet(SAW), treated those followers of Musaylma who refused to accept the truth as Kafirs.  (Can you also see a similarity between Musaylam and Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and his followers?)

In another case, Ali Ibn Abi Talib(RA) pronounced those “Muslims”, who insisted on calling him “Allah impersonified”, kafir and dealt with them accordingly.  Obviously, anyone who breaks his covenant with Allah(SWT), by knowingly refuting the signs of Allah(SWT), ceases to remain a Muslim, regardless of whether he proclaims the Kalimah or appears to perform the rituals of Islam.

Clearly then, the mere fact that Qadianis Ahmadis) appear to utter our Kalimah or perform some of our rituals is not enough to include them in Muslim ummah.  We already know that they have to accept Mirza Ghulam Qadiani as a prophet of God (Read: How do Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) differ from Muslims) and they have declared themselves as followers of a religion different from Islam (Read: What do Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) think of Muslims).

Finally, we like to point out that the Kalimah uttered by Qadianis Ahmadis) is meant to have a different meaning than those recited by Muslims.  In support of this claim, we present the following writings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and his associates:

“I am the Maseeh of the time and I am Moses on whom God conferred His speech.  I am Muhammad and Ahmad, the selected one.”
(Taryaq-ul-Qulub, P. 3/6; Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 15, P. 134)”Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and those accompanying Him (His companions are very strict against the unbelievers).  In this divine revelation, I am named Muhammad and the prophet of Allah.
(Aik Ghalti ka Izala, P. 3; Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 18, P. 207)

Muhammad has again come down among us.  His position is an improvement on his earlier visitation.  If any man wishes to see Muhammad, more competent, then he should see Ghulam Ahmad, in Qadian.”
(Al-Badr, 25 Oct. 1906)

“Twenty Six years ago, God called me Muhammad and Ahmad, in Buraheen-i-Ahmadiah.”
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 502)

Obviously, when a devote and knowledgeable Qadiani confirms “Muhammad is his Servant and Messenger”, he is referring to his so-called “improved Muhammad” (God forbid), Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, and not to the beloved Prophet(SAW) of Islam.

Indeed, the utterance of Kalimah by Qadiani leaders and missionaries is only an attempt to mislead and entrap uninformed Muslims and convince the naive among their membership that they belong to a Muslim denomination. The holy Book of Islam has already passed a verdict on those who reject the Truth and utter Kalimah for their personal pleasure and to attain worldly gains:


When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say, “We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of Allah.” Yea, Allah knows that thou art indeed His Messenger, and Allah bears witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars.
(The Holy Quran, Al-Munafiqoon, 63:1)

There should be no doubt that Qadianism Ahmadiyyat ) is a form of disbelief.

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