Idara Dawat-O-Irshad, USA Inc. is not – in any way – affiliated with any of the individuals, businesses, organizations, or Islamic sites mentioned in these pages. Inclusion on these pages should not necessarily be perceived as an indication of our approval of any information or activity.
Please note that by its very nature, information found on the Internet should be treated as suspect and outdated (hopefully not those at Irshad.org!). We suggest that you do not take any claims found at any site – especially when it deals with Islam – on faith. Please verify the information to avoid any mistakes or losses. A possible approach may be as follows:
- If the information deals with issues of faith (i.e. salat, zakat, etc.), please check with a trusted and knowledgeable Imam. If possible, ask for references in the Holy Quran and Hadith and verify the information for yourself.
- If the information deals with claims made by a business or organization, please contact that business and ensure their policy and practices have not changed. (including Halal food, etc.)
We depend on your assistance and feedback and ask that you inform us of any claims or statements presented here that may be outdated, wrong, or misleading. Please treat the information on these pages as you would provided what you find on a yellow page and hold us – both in the eyes of Allah and all manmade laws – harmless and unaccountable for any harm or losses you might incur.
We are doing our best to have a comprehensive site to serve the Muslim Ummah and, that by grace of Allah, hope that this site will become a valuable resource for the Muslims in the greater Washington DC Area